According to Greek mythology Atlas is being punished and is forced to hold up the sky. If Atlas were to let go, the sky would come crashing down on earth…well you get the picture.
This book is great, a bit over the top but a very interesting read. The book is heavy and discusses some very touchy subjects. I enjoyed the book so much that I literally tore the book in-half, so I could carry it around with me.
The first thing that came to my mind when I finished, was that it reminded me of the Bible; particularly the New Testament. The hero John Galt reminds me of Jesus. Two men, rather than give in to the norm or do what the authorities demand of them, are willing to be sacrificed for what they believe. Two men who are willing to do what they must to bring forth the world they believe in. They do not sellout nor sell themselves short.

The flaw in Atlas Shrugged as in the Bible is the core material that you are working with is “Man”. It does not matter what “Paradise/Utopia” you create- capitalism, socialism, Objectivism, living together in peace with each other and the animals. Everyone and I mean Everyone has to agree, not forced to agree, but willingly agree and believe that the system in place is the one to live by. If even one individual disagrees or want to change anything – the system will be flawed. It will be back to square one unless Everyone once again agrees with the new change/s.
Ayn Rand is a strong believer in individualism. In Atlas Shrugged, she defends independent thought and believes that our society would collapse without it. Atlas Shrugged is also her defense of capitalism.
This is a great site for a summary the book.
This is a great site for a summary the book.