The author gets an A for effort for publishing her first book. It is an interesting idea and I would recommend it for a Christian family who wants to expose children Ages 8-12 to the story in Genesis of Adam and Eve. It is fun and full of adventure as Lincoln discovers a new world and learns some important lessons about family. I also think the illustrations add a nice quality to the story.
I did not like the book- 1) I do not think it captures the true voice of a ten year old; 2) The story does not flow, it jumps too quickly from one idea to next; 3) I really do not like the idea of a “white boy” as the hero necessary to save an Indian Tribe.
I particularly did not like this paragraph: “This is your land. You have gained access to it. You are the ruler of this Land of Nede . We are your people. What do you command of us?” page 89.