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Friday, October 1, 2010

Hatshepsut - The Princess Who Became King - By Ellen Galford

A.D. 1842-1845 Lepsiu's confirms that there was a female pharaoh - Hatshepsut. 

Hatshepsut's tomb was excavated in 1893 by Henry Edouard Naville. She ruled for about 22 years. She made herself King after the death of her husband c.1501 B.C. After becoming King she rewrites the story of her birth to give herself divine lineage.
"Hatshepsut decorated the walls of her new temple at Deir el-Bahri with a rewritten life story, in which her birth was the result of a miraculous meeting between the divine Amen (Amon/Amun - sometimes called the Creator God) and her mother Ahmose".(p.49) This is B.C. (Before Christ) It's interesting how the story mirrors the Virgin Birth of Christ. The word "amen" is also used at the end of  Christian prayers. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen! So this is where the term "amen" divers from and yet I am certain like I, billions of worshipers do not know that. Thanks.
